Thursday, 18 April 2013

Tips for unorganized person macam saya

I am unorganized and pelupa (short term memory loss? not really) It just more to unorganized, since my priority level is different, which one should i do first. It's terrible, especially after married. He's totally different from, me. He is a well organized person, not messed with everything around, not 'campak-campak barang ' like me. Susah jugak nak break the 'habit' and be organized, sebab sejak kecik dulu sampai sekarang, i grow up with this.

NAMEE ROSLAN pun ada buat entry pasal ni taw! SEE, SEE! Bukan i sorang sajer ye.

I used to put something here and there, thinking that i'll gonna put them in their right place or so called 'home' after this. But i tend to forgot. YES. Coz i will do another thing, like masak dulu, mandi dulu, pergi kerja dulu, sebab dah lambat. That task become my priority, and then i forgot all the things i 'campak-campak' just now. 

E.g: I used the hairband to tie my hair. Konon-konon nak mandi,untie dulula hairband tu. Opps, tertinggal kat depan meja kat depan TV and than pergi mandi. Kannnn, dah lupe kan nak sangkut balik kat depan cermin dalam bilik. Nampak kan? kan? In this case, my priority, which is MANDI came first, and the small thing, hairband tu dah kat mana aku letak.OMG

Kesian hubby. Selalu membebel sabung menyabung kat i. I did try, but it's so difficult T_T

Hope this article will help me:

Note: ALLAH dah bagi setiap jodoh tu ada kelebihan dan ada kekurangan. Yang mana kurang, yang lebih akan tampung vice versa. Kita cuma mampu baiki kelemahan yang ada. Saya ada kelebihan, dan saya juga ada kekurangan, like other human being...

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